Geology-208 |
Types of earthquakes are:
Deep quakes (subducting slabs) least destructive
The Seattle-area earthquake this year (2001) was centered 30 miles beneath the earth's surface, underneath Anderson Island, east of Olympia. All our strongly-felt earthquakes have "occurred as one plate of the earth's crust slowly slid farther beneath another." (Christian Science Monitor, March 2, 2001).
Shallow faults more destructive
Plate boundary quakes catastrophic
Divergent boundaries: adjacent plates move away from each other |
Convergent boundaries: adjacent plates move toward each other |
Transform boundaries: adjacent plates slide side by side past each other |
Hot spot: intraplate; volcanism and quakes are caused by the continental plate passing over a “hot spot” in the earth’s mantle |
Send comments to Rob Viens (e-mail: or call him at his Bellevue Community College office at (425) 564-3158. Office hours are by appointment.